Saturday, July 11, 2009


First off, I would just like to begin with an expression of love to Sara Hennessey who provided a much needed hour of compulsive laughter (and sweating) at her one woman variety show - 'Sara Hennessey Town'. The girl knows what she is good at and explores even more dimensions of her self through various skits that I personally thought all worked.

Also, 'Hipcheck' was a mix of successes and mild failures. The cast works hard in this production and the monolgue by Josee Young is really strong. However, the music is slightly uneven and a little repetative.

A total success at the festival has been 'My Mother's Lesbian Jewish-Wiccan Wedding'. A great cast delivers a really funny and touching score. We would highly recommend this musical at the festival this year!

Shadows in Bloom, 36 Little Plays About Hopeless Girls, and Wanderlust are the three other shows we are suggesting you see, along with Sara and My Mother..., this final weekend of the 2009 FRINGE Festival!

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